Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Love and Marriage

This morning Michael sent me an email totally out of the blue. It was very sweet, just a very short note that said "I just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful and I love you." It made me all teary, it was so unexpected.

I've been thinking lately about our marriage and how good and strong it is. This past year has certainly been filled with change and trial, but I honestly feel like this has been the best year of our marriage yet.


Nicole O'Dell said...

A good marriage is an amazing thing and oh so hard to come by these days.

The Sanchez Family said...

Yes, a good marriage I think is one of life's greatest accomplishments. You are so fortunate :)!

Amy W said...

That is really sweet! It is amazing how such a little gesture can mean so much. .... I'm going to email y husband right now!

p.s. That you can keep up a good marriage with so many children is an huge accomplishment! Congrats!

Amanda said...

that is a wonderful thing! what a nice post!