And now I must pay it forward to 5 bloggers I find fabulous, and name 5 things I find fabulous. (Really, if I could send it back to Liz, I would, because her blog is fab - check it out if you haven't yet!)
5 Blogs I Think Are Fabulous:
5 Blogs I Think Are Fabulous:
Bitchin' Wives Club - need I say more?
The Seal Bark - I love Heather because she has a wonderful blog, she's the mom of 6 kids (like me), and she has a little one with Ds (like me). And she's really, really nice :)
The Way It Is - Kristin is funny and real.
What a Trip - you think your hands are full? Try raising triplets!
Unringing the Bell - Well. I just think Tricia is the most fab!
5 Things I Think Are Fabulous:
Ice Cream - can't live without it. I've tried.
Starbucks - see above.
Flannel sheets - I sleep on them year round. Try them - you'll never go back.
Writing/blogging - my therapy.
My husband - really and truly.
Thank you so much! Love you tons.
You are soooo sweet Lisa! *Humbled* Thank you! And, I think of you with your sweet little brood throughout my busy day...we can so it sista! ;)
Aw, shucks. Thanks for the kind words, Lisa!!
And a big fat DITTO on the flannel sheets. Heaven!!
Thanks, Lisa! You're fab too!
Thanks so much for the shout-out!! You have got your hands full, but holy cow are those kids adorable! And with all those kind words about your hubby and his whole part-time rock star thing, you are truly a Bitchin' Wife.
Congrats for getting the award!!
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