Last night Michael and I went out on a "date" for the first time since early February. The occasion: his band recently did the music (some of it, anyway) for a short film directed by a film student. If you're attending film school, making a film is the senior thesis, and this was hers. So last night was the screening of the film. It was held at the theater of the film school, a very nice venue. The film itself was okay. It was disappointing that she didn't end up using more of the music Michael and the guys composed, recorded and performed for her, but she did use some, and it was really cool to see when the credits rolled "Original Theme by Sideshow Jefe."
Afterwards we went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, a steak joint up on a hill. And really, it was perfect - my lemon drop martini was perfect, the food was perfect, the view was perfect, and the company was perfect. There were a few somber moments when we were waiting to be seated when we contemplated Finn's future, as we do sometimes (brought on this time because we saw a little boy with Ds at the film screening), and when we contemplated the upcoming continuation of M's treatment (he has an MRI scheduled for this Tuesday and then starts the next round of chemo next week). I am finding myself feeling especially emotional about both of those topics lately. However, we still managed to have a few laughs and a very nice evening in all.

Also a first last night: we had to leave so early in the evening for the film screening that it was way before Finn's bed time, which meant Alycia (our super awesome most wonderful babysitter in the universe) had to put him to bed for the first time. I was nervous, as nobody but me has ever put him to bed, and he's never been put to bed without being nursed down. I don't know why I worried - we've eventually taken this very leap with each of our babies since Joey (she's been babysitting for us for that long!), and she's always had the magic touch with all of them, and last night was no different. He was fine, she was fine, everything was fine, and she was kind enough to text updates to me so I wouldn't worry overly much. When we got home around 11, he was still sound asleep cozy in his crib and didn't wake up for a couple more hours.
And that's it. On with the day and the week.
That was a beautiful view. So glad you got to go on a date. I am terrified of going out before Asher's bedtime. Sometimes Jeff puts him down, but only after I've nursed him. I have no idea how he would respond to not being nursed down. Especially now that we're down to only two nursings a day. And it's not like I can pump because he won't take breastmilk by any means but breast. I know I'm going to have to face that someday and it will probably be before he's completely weaned, but I just don't think about it yet since we don't have anyone to babysit for us anyway.
So glad you had a nice night out! :) And admittedly a tad jealous! :) hahahaha
I wanna babysit! Use me. Please?
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