Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ask Me Anything.

Really, anything. I've seen a few other people do this on their blogs - open the floor for questions, and I thought it might be fun, and . . . enlightening? So really, ask me anything you want to know about me, and I'll do my best to answer :)


Eternal Lizdom said...


Um... what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

When you look back at your life, what is one decision you made that you think would have vastly taken you to a different place if you had chosen differently?

Sarah said...

I'm always so curious about names. What are your kids' first & middle names? Any reasoning behind the chosen name?

Jen said...

Oh, man. I did this on my blog and totally regret it, 'cause now it's like I've given myself a bunch of homework. I see that you have already answered some questions and you are much more pro-active than me!

Okay. What is your most prized possession? (and don't say your kids, either, even though we all know they're not posessions, blah, blah.) What's the one thing you'd grab if the house was burning down?