Really, just look at that sweet face. How can I not feel terrible? So she came home and her arm is completely fine now . . . phew. We snuggled, read a story, and off to bed she went.
Yeah, I've got the husband, the kids, the dog, the house, the mortgage, and the white picket fence. Just trying to keep my ducks all in a row.
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Argh, the hair, the face, the smile, the PJs, the slippers, the cuteness!!!!! What a darling! Give her a big hug from me and Claire!
That is too much cuteness in one picture!! I'm glad her arm is ok!
Glad she's okay.
She's an adorable little girl. I'm glad she's okay.
I know that is the cutiest, kissy face in California. I have 9 grandboys only 1 girl (adopted) who lives too far away. I set up and take notice at little girl pictures. She is a doll. I'm glad she is OK.
PS - that will probably be the story she tells around the table at Christmas when she has children just to get a laugh. About how mother nearly broke my arm! lol
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