Friday, November 21, 2008

"Pregnant Man"

I just read that "he" is pregnant again. You know, that "guy," Thomas Beattie I think his name is. Okay, here's the deal: a woman who has her breasts removed and takes male hormones to achieve a deeper voice and facial hair does NOT a man make. She's still got a uterus and all her outer girlie parts. She gets pregnant and gives birth. That is a woman, not a man. Men have penises and testicles and . . . well, and no uteruses or vaginas.

I have no problem with the moral aspect of her/him (?) raising kids. Whatever. If the kids are getting love and all the other stuff kids need, I think that's just dandy. It just rubs me the wrong way - as a woman - to hear and read this person called the "Pregnant Man" and to be touted as some medical marvel, the first "man" to ever get pregnant and give birth. She's not a man for crap's sake!

Thank you.


Leigh Anne said...

Lisa! You took the words out of my mouth. This bugs me so's almost like a mockery of childbirth. She may be living as a man, but she is not a man by're exactly right!

Anonymous said...

I've found some interesting information on the website pregnant man I thought it would be interesting for u to read