Jen has me feeling totally guilty about not having much to say about Lilah. Thanks, Jen ;)
No, really, you hit the nail on the head: she's our easy kid. And yes, she's very good-natured. Michael and I were both convinced that she was trying to smile almost from birth . . . she had this certain twinkle in her eyes.
The first thing people generally notice about Lilah is THE HAIR. That's what people say: "Oh my God, the hair!" And it's true. She was blessed with this luscious cascade of golden curls that makes me want to cry. Or go out and get golden ringlet hair extensions.

Okay, enough of that.
The twins include her 100%. They are really quite a threesome. And lots of people ask if they're triplets. Which is kind of funny because Lilah is two years younger than the twins. But she seems to have no idea of that - she truly thinks she's one of them, and they let her.

She's a character. Full of personality. She has such a sense of humor - always laughing at everything - but not in an obnoxious-trying-to-be-a-comedian way, more like she just really gets a kick out of being alive.

My little sister had the same kind of hair when she was little, but it stopped curling before it got that long. I love those ringlets, and I hope she gets to keep them as she grows! What a cutie pie!If you are ever in NYC and you need a babysitter.. I'm expecting a call.
she is adorable Lisa! All your kids are though...and it's easy to see why (look at their parents!). the only "person" I know to get her hair stuck in a curtain is when Monica, on Friends, got her cornrows caught in the shower curtain, LOL.
She is gorgeous. Thanks for telling us more about her.
You know I didn't mean to make you feel guilty! I'm just nosy.
Thanks for this...she is so. freaking. adorable. If you ever think you've got more kids than you need, send her my way, would you?
I loved hearing more about her. And god, that HAIR!
She is absolutely beautiful - love the picture gallery and lovely words. You can so easily see that beauty comes from within as well - what a happy kid!
She looks like a little baby goddess or cherub or something in that first pic!
I know your children are so beautiful and precious. It is difficult to believe she is only three (almost). She is a doll, and I agree with another who commented she would make a good cherub! Thanks for sharing
Such a beautiful girl...and a sweetheart to boot.
Gorgeous! :o)
She's a cherub! Love the butt picture!
What a sweetie! My Lilah has a really similar temperament to yours, and it is such a blessing to have her be jovial and easy when Callie is being a terror.
Lilah has gotten so big, she really does look like she fits in with Annabelle and Daisy. How fun, to have the girls so close and loving with one another (most of the time, at least :). Thanks for updating on her, she definitely doesn't get as muh bloggy time as the other kids, but that's a-ok if she's too busy being angelic to warrant much commentary!
Thank you for the delightful Lilah "fix". What a darling!
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