"Ok, this is a little weird. Bunch of us in a room with recliners, a tv, IV poles. The guy next to me has his laptop, is dressed business casual, and looks like he's working (is it that easy?); the guy 3 people away from me is on oxygen. The guy across from me, his legs are all messed up. The woman to the right of me has a baseball cap on - I've seen her before. There are some people here who are just hanging out with their cancer friend/spouse.
"I'm not hooked up yet. Just waiting my turn. The dr. is going around the room talking to everyone."
Bizarre, huh? But actually, just as I had pictured it.
Finn, Lilah and I were actually sort of in the area, so we stopped by the doctor's office to see Michael.

They let us hang out in a little private room while we were there. Driving there, I was trying to brace myself for the scene, and I imagined that seeing M hooked up to an IV of poison was going to set me off crying (the tears come so easily these days), but really I was okay. I don't know how it was for Michael. It was surreal in a way. It was like, "Oh, yeah, my husband has cancer, and we're going to visit him while he gets chemo, and then we'll stop by the bank, and then we'll go pick the girls up from school." It's all just so freaking unreal. Sometimes I still can't believe this is happening.
I'm glad it did not freak you out to be there with him and I am sure he was so happy to have you there! Hoping he responds well to the drugs this time around too :) Lisa
I'm so glad you got to stop by. That little Lilah, gosh, she's just the sweetest thing. Tell her I miss her and want to see her soon.
Glad to hear about Finn's appt this morning. His hair is getting long in the front - too cute.
i am glad M is responding to the meds - kind of amazing how they treat this these days. My dad started his chemo last week - round 1 was ok - round 2 in two weeks. He got a whiffle on saturday and sent me picture - I feel weird crying when I think about it but he's my rock. At least I can show Alex Grampa's picture so he is used to what he looks like now. I am angry this cnacer is robbing him of enjoying his grandson the way he wants to.
Hang in there. It sounds like you are really holding everything together incredibly well! In regards to your tears that come easily, I think everyone should cry when they need to and just be done with it for that moment. :) I cry all the time, whenever the urge strikes (which is often)! Someone once told me that if you hold in the tears it messes up your chakra. And you don't want to do THAT. ;-) Seriously, though, I'm sending positive energy and prayers to your family.
He'll beat this. He will. Good energy heading your way!
He looks to be taking it like a champ, and I am so thrilled he is responding to the treatment so well. I'm rooting for him to beat this and sending all my peaceful vibes your way. I know I haven't commented much of late, due to computer issues, but I am following all your blogs and you and the entire fam are in my thoughts!
Catching up on all these posts, I just want to hug you and have tea.
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