Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sometimes a few days will go by during which I don't post anything on either of my blogs, either because life is getting in the way of my blogging (haa!), or I just don't have anything particularly noteworthy to say. Whenever more than a couple days go by without my blogging something, I will get a note from somebody, either by email or Facebook, saying they notice I haven't been writing and asking what's up. It's cool when that happens . . . makes me feel all like I matter and stuff :)

Anyway. I really have nothing particularly exciting or deep to write about at the moment, so I'll just give a general update on things as they stand in our little corner of the world:

It's been just about 6 weeks since Michael's surgery. It's been a slower and more trying recovery than we imagined it would be. He's doing okay, but living with some chronic post-surgical pain, which is a total drag. It's a mystery, as his doctors can't seem to determine exactly what the cause of it is, but they don't seem particularly concerned about it. Michael is managing it the best he can, and honestly, his attitude and outlook are way better than my whiny ass would be in his shoes. I love him, I'm in awe of him in so many ways. I wish he felt better though. Despite all this, he's healing from the actual surgery quite well and will likely start back on chemo this week. I am dreading it, actually. I remember very well what the chemo did to him before his surgery, and how helpless I felt to ease any of it for him. He's ready to move forward though, so I have to be ready as well. The only way to get to the other side of this is to go through it. He is also likely to start working again this week, part time, and probably mostly from home to start.

Summer break is already about half over. We went into this summer looking at it as a wash, as there was no way to plan anything or sign the kids up for any activities not knowing how Michael's recovery would be. In some ways, it has been the Lost Summer of the Lost Year, but still, it certainly hasn't been all bad. Michael and the kids have gotten to spend more time together than ever before, and it's been really great for all of them. I know that will be the hardest aspect of Michael returning to work - for him and for the kids. Although we didn't enroll the kids in any summer activities, we have been doing plenty of park days, playing at the fountain, going for walks, and playing in the water outside here at home. Kevin is in high demand among his friends and has been spending quite a bit of time with them. He went on three separate sleepovers just this past week!

As for me, aside from taking care of the kids and the house and blogging, I've been reading more than I have in a long time. I've pretty much sworn off TV - it wasn't a conscious decision, I've just lost interest. So I've been making my way through about a book a week lately.

And that's about it.

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