Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Redux in Photos

'Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring . . .

. . . except Mom and Dad who stayed up extra late to make sure the kiddies were all fast asleep so they could retrieve the holiday loot from the basement where it was hidden (said basement about which they boldly lied to the kids and told them it was flooded from the rain, so as to keep the curious hooligans from snooping), and hauled it upstairs, taking several trips to do so, all so Santa could receive glory and credit.

Christmas morning the kids were up at some godforsaken hour - I don't even know what time. I just know it was barely light out. We tortured them for a good hour, making them wait until a slightly more reasonable hour until we were ready to get up. Mean parents, eh?

In this photo, the kids are smiling, but if you look closely, you may be able to see the glitter of madness in their eyes. In truth, they were practically coming unglued with anticipation and impatience to open their presents.

Joey's favorite gift was a 2011 World Almanac. Yes, that's right, an almanac. He's been getting a new almanac for Christmas every year since 2007, and it's usually his favorite gift. This is what he reads for fun. Mostly baseball stats.

Pillow Pets were a big thing this year! Because you know, it's a pillow. It's a pet. It's a Pillow Pet.

The damage -

After opening presents, we had our traditional big Christmas breakfast, this year featuring Cinnabons, eggs, bacon and sausage. I had two Cinnabons. I couldn't help it.

For dinner, we had what has become our unconventional traditional Christmas dinner: filet mignon grilled to bloody perfection ala Michael, and cheese fondue with plenty of dippers, ala moi.


And for desert, chocolate fondue, also a Christmas tradition in our house.

And now that I've managed to double my weight in one day, I am officially swearing off crap for my New Year's resolution.

It was a good Christmas. The kids were all thrilled with their gifts, and we were all together, happy and healthy. Speaking of which, Michael is doing mucho better. He did spend the morning last Thursday having testing done to gauge the extent of the medical issues he's been having, but that same day he seemed to have a turnaround and has been feeling a lot better since then. We haven't gotten the official report from his doctor, but all signs at this point indicate that things are resolved. Phew!

And now, big plans for New Year's Eve! What to wear, what to wear . . .

1 comment:

doulamom said...

The girls and I discussed your traditions today. We've decided we're stealing fondue... It's the epitome of "slow food", which is what we like at this time of year while I'm off work. I usually make a chinese one. I've never made cheese. Will you share the recipe?