Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's About Time!

Behold, the lost tooth:

This came out this morning. Finally. Joey will be 8 years old here in a few short weeks, and this is only the third baby tooth he's let go of. And I do mean let go of. He lost his two front bottom teeth about a year ago after their having been loose for about six months. His two top front teeth have been loose forever. He's been completely freaked out about them coming out. He's very, very squeamish about blood, for one thing. For another . . . uh, actually I don't know what the other things might be.

Anyway, so this morning, it was clear that this tooth needed to come out. It was so loose it was practically blowing in the wind. After much drama and tears and threats from me and Dad that we would gladly remove it for him, he went into the bathroom and yanked it himself. Could a mom be more proud?

And really, I thought this boy could not possibly get any cuter, but I was wrong. He's even more handsome with the gap, don't you think?


diane rene said...

the gap definitely does him well ... he looks more mature ;)
good for Joey! Falyse SOOO wants to lose a tooth.

Esther and Brian said...

total side note here but..I LOVE THE LITTLE GUYS' HAIRSTYLE, HAIRCOLOR AND EYES! What a handsome little dude...seriously...

Anna Alexandrova said...

What a dashing fellow!

Stephanie said...

Oh my...he is seriously a, I mean a very hansome fellow.