Okayyyyy . . . switching gears here, I'm going to give a shameless plug to Omaha Steaks. Did you know they're not just about steaks (although their steaks are delish!)? Did you know that you can order entire meals from them and have them delivered right to your door? I didn't know, either, until some friends and I got together and had a bunch of Omaha Steaks meals delivered to a pregnant friend who was on bedrest (great gift idea, by the way). Then the lightbulb popped on above my head and I thought, "Hey! This could be just the ticket! After all, I hate cooking! And I despise meal-planning!" And then a $20 coupon came in the mail from OS, and it seemed as if the gods were trying to tell me something. So I went online and ordered a boatload of food, and when it was delivered last Friday, I could be found hootin' and hollerin' for joy (seriously, this was very exciting).

Two BIG coolers packed with food (all kept frozen solid with two small slabs of dry ice, which the science geek in me found awesome and amazing) -
Yes, they even threw in a set of knives.
Here's what we got:
that is a super great deal! hmm. this is definitely something i need to look into for mext year's tax season! lol.
and i LOVE the video. your kids are too darling..."oh my gosh" too cute! & i love your shoes!!
ok. that video was hilarious.
Omaha Steaks...major good deal:) been ordering from them for years...as for your video...so wonderful, on so many levels!
I don't see a "Contact Me" section on your blog. I really want to talk to you about your "Magic Fairy Dust" entry I received in my inbox this morning via Mamapedia. I'd love to share it in a local newsletter I write www.PalmCoast.MacaroniKid.com. I'm not trying to plug myself, just want you to see what I'm talking about. Can ya email me whether or not this is okay?
OH and the Omaha Steaks twice baked potatoes and hot dogs are killer!!!!!
I just got to watch the video and totally learned something new! Very cool. I loved the interaction between you, K, and J.
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