Monday, April 5, 2010

Come, Walk With Me Down Memory Lane

Well, I just spent the last two hours going through old photos, looking for Easter pics of the kids from years gone by. Now I'm feeling really nostalgic. Time goes by in a flash, and that fact is made ever more real when you see it like this in one sitting.

Easter, 2000

Kevin was 3 years old here, and our only child. One kid!! Seems like a completely wild concept now.

Easter 2003

Kevin, age 6 and Joey, age 9 months

Man, I look young!

Easter 2004

Kevin, age 7, and Joey, age 21 months

(I'm pregnant with the twins here; I recognize those maternity pants!)

Spring 2005

Kevin, age 8 and Joey, age 2

Daisy and Annabelle were 7 months old . . . look at those little babes! And check out the cleavage, courtesy of nursing twins!

Spring 2006

Yes, that's Joey (age 3)! Oh, those curls! I miss them.

Kevin, age 9

Annabelle and Daisy, 18 months

Easter 2007

Daisy (above) and Annabelle (below), age 2 1/2

Joey, age 4

Kevin, age 10

Look at smooshie-face Lilah!! She's 6 months old here.

Easter 2008

Easter 2009

Lilah, age 2 1/2

Annabelle (above) and Daisy (below), age 4 1/2

Joey, age 6

Kevin, age 12

And there's Finn! He's 9 months old here.

Easter 2010

Kevin, age 13

Finn, just about 21 months

Lilah, 3 1/2

Annabelle and Daisy, 5 1/2

Joey, 7



diane rene said...

I wish I were as good at documenting holidays.

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

Your family is so gorgeous and its neat to see how much bigger they are...

Unknown said...

I love the evolution of the Morguess Family:-) And how cool is it that I remember all of those stages too (once Joey entered the pic). It's a fun experience to have our kids literally grow up together!

heather said...

"Look at those little babes" . . . I totally thought you were talking about your other twins! :) Gotta love nursing! I love the bunny prints on the carpet. How do you do those? It goes by way too fast! Just a few years ago makes a huge difference for Kevin. And you look just the same as those pics. Still young as ever!

Kristin said...

Makes me sad how fast time moves on. What great pics. Thanks for reminding me to snap more pics. I will want to remember these times when they are teenagers and hate me.

Anna Alexandrova said...

Gorgeous! Their transformation over the years is truly magic.

And a very nice cleavage indeed.