Thursday, January 15, 2009

If something happens to us, it's the milkman

Turns out our milkman might be a little psycho. He's been delivering our milk for 3 or 4 years. He suddenly switched brands on us a while back with no notice, no choice. Really it wasn't that big a deal, and I probably would have just stuck with him except that a rep from the initial brand we had been having delivered - which we preferred (as it's organic, no hormones, etc. which is better for the kids, better for everyone) - showed up at the door a couple weeks ago. So we decided to switch back. I was dreading quitting our milkman because I just don't enjoy that shit - having to justify myself, defend myself, etc. And I knew that's what would happen because I tried to quit this guy a couple years back and he called me up on the phone and laid the guilt on me (seriously), and I ended up caving and staying with him. But this time I planned to stick to my guns. I already told the other company to go ahead and start delivering our milk every week, so I had to quit the other guy, period.

So last week when Steve the psycho was supposed to deliver milk, I left a note out for him saying thanks for everything but we're cancelling service, please just leave a bill. Which he did. And I mailed the payment to him that day, because I didn't want that hanging over my head.

But as expected, he didn't take our leaving him laying down. He started calling. I was lucky enough to miss his first call. He left a voice mail message, which I didn't return. Really, why should I? I told him we were cancelling, what more discussion does there need to be? He called a couple more times, and seeing his name on the caller ID, I didn't answer. Then Kevin was on the phone with a friend, and this guy calls on the other line and Kevin answers. And hands the phone to me. When I realize who it is, I stare daggers at Kevin. Steve lays the guilt on thick. " . . . exceptional service for all these years. , ." blah blah blah. I tell him it's not personal, I'm sorry, but we've made our decision. He keeps talking. I finally have to cut him off and tell him I have someone waiting on the other line. He calls back later that evening. He talks to Michael, who tells him he's calling at a bad time. He calls again today. And again. I don't answer because I see his name on the caller ID. Then he gets tricky on us and figures out what we're doing. He calls from a number that just shows up as "Private Caller" on the caller ID. (Is that effing psycho or what??) Michael answers the phone and spends about 10 minutes explaining to this guy that we've made our decision, please stop calling. He called a total of EIGHT times.

All I know is that he knows where we live, he's pissed at us, and he seems a little . . . ummm . . . out there?


Leigh Anne said...

scary guy! i hate dealing w/ that crap too!

and you can have milk delivered? where have I been? lol

Eternal Lizdom said...

They still have MILKMEN? Seriously?? Wow!!

Carla said...

I want a milkman! The title of this post made me laugh out loud. Does this guy understand that (a)he was no longer meeting your needs, (b)it wasn't okay to switch brands without at least notifying you, and (c)you don't call people 8 times?! Scary.

Keri said...

Do you know the number he is calling from? If so, call the phone company and block it. I'd also file a harassment report with the police....